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日期: 2022-10-20
姓 名: 孙东耀 性 别: 出生年月: 1993-04

职 务:
职 称: 讲师 评聘时间: 2022-10
所在系: 地理科学系 专业: 地理科学
主要研究方向: 环境地理学
主讲课程: 水文学,土壤地理学,海洋地理学
电子邮箱: dongyaos@usts.edu.cn



2018.09-2022.06 博士毕业于 华东师范大学 自然地理学专业

2022.11-至今 博士后 华东师范大学 地理学


2021-2022学年 上海市优秀毕业生

2020-2021学年 教育部博士研究生国家奖学金

2017-2018学年 教育部硕士研究生国家奖学金:


中国地理学会会员,Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Environmental Management、Journal of Water Process Engineering、Frontiers in Marine Science等SCI审稿人,Frontiers in Microbiology Review Editor and Topic Coordinator.


[1] Lin G., Gao D., Yang P., Liu S., Sun D., Lin X (2024) Editorial: Linking Microbial-driven Key Processes with Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Estuarine, Coastal, and the Nearshore Areas. Front. Microbiol. 15:1382148. (中科院2区)

[2] Chen C., Yin G., Li Q., Gu, Y, Sun D, An S., Liang, X, Li X., Zheng Y.,Hou L., Liu M. (2023) Effects of microplastics on denitrification and associated N2O emission in estuarine and coastal sediments: insights from interactions between sulfate reducers and denitrifiers.Water Research. 245:120590(中科院1区Top, Nature index)

[3] Zhang Y., Song C.,Wang X., Chen N., Ma G., Zhang H., Cheng X.,Sun D. (2023) Assessing carbon greenhouse gas emissions from aquaculture in China based on aquaculture system types, species, environmental conditions and management practices. Journal of Cleaner Production. 404(11):136905(中科院1区Top)

[4] Chen C., Yin G.,Hou L., Jiang Y., Sun D., Liang, X, Han P., Zheng Y., Liu M. (2023) Reclamation of tidal flats to paddy soils reshuffles the soil microbiomes along a 53-year reclamation chronosequence: Evidence from assembly processes, co-occurrence patterns and multifunctionality.Environment International. 179(1):108151(中科院1区Top)

[5] Sun D., Tang X., Li J., et al. (2022). Identification of chlorate as a specific inhibitor of comammox Nitrospira in coastal wetland sediments. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 108782.(中科院1区Top)

[6] Sun D., Huang J., Luo M., et al. (2022). Dissimilatory nitrate reduction processes in surface sediments of shrimp ponds during the culture period. Frontiers in Marine Science. 1087768.(中科院小类1区Top)

[7] Hu M., Le Y., Sardans J., Yan R., Zhong Y., Sun D., Tong C., & Peñuelas J. (2022) Moderate salinity improves the availability of soil P by regulating P-cycling microbial communities in coastal wetlands. Global Change Biology,00, 1-13(中科院1区Top)

[8] Zhang Y.,Tang K.,Yang P.,Yang H .,Tong C.,Song C.,Tan L.,Zhao G.,Zhou X.,Sun D.(2022) Assessing carbon greenhouse gas emissions from aquaculture in China based on aquaculture system types, species, environmental conditions and management practices. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment.338,108110.(中科院1区Top)

[9] Chen C., Li Y., Yin G.,Hou L., Liu M., Jiang Y., Zheng D., Wu H., Zheng Y., Sun D. (2022)Antibiotics sulfamethoxazole alter nitrous oxide production and pathways in estuarine sediments: Evidenced by the N15-O18 isotopes tracing.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 437,129281.(中科院1区Top)

[10] Han P., Miguel A.,Tang X., Yu Y., Zhou L., Hou L., Liu M., Sun D., Jetten M., Welte C., Men Y., Lücker S. (2022). Antibiotics sulfamethoxazole alter nitrous oxide production and pathways in estuarine sediments: Evidenced by the N15-O18 isotopes tracing.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 445(4):130558(中科院1区Top)

[11] Sun D., Zhao M.,Tang X.,et al.(2021). Niche adaptation strategies of different clades of comammox Nitrospira in the yangtze estuary. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 105286.(中科院2区)

[12] Zhao M.,Tang X., Sun D., et al. (2021) Salinity gradients shape the nitrifier community composition in nanliu river estuary sediments and the ecophysiology of comammox Nitrospira inopinata. Science of The Total Environment.148768.(中科院1区Top)

[13] Sun D., Liu M., Hou L., et al. (2021). Community structure and abundance of comammox Nitrospira in Chongming eastern intertidal sediments. Journal of Soils and Sediments.02940.(中科院2区)

[14] Han P., Wu D., Sun D., et al.(2020) N2O and NOy production by the comammox bacterium Nitrospira inopinata in comparison with canonical ammonia oxidizers. Water Research. 190(6). 116728.(中科院1区Top, Nature index)

[15] Sun D., Tang X., Zhao M., et al. (2020). Distribution and Diversity of Comammox Nitrospira in Coastal Wetlands of China. Frontiers in Microbiology. 11, 589268.(中科院2区Top)

[16] Zhou L., Han P., Zhao M., Yu Y., Sun D., Hou L., Liu M., Zhao Q., Tang X., Klümper, U., Gu J., Men Y., Wu Q.(2020) Biotransformation of lincomycin and fluoroquinolone antibiotics by the ammonia oxidizers AOA, AOB and comammox: A comparison of removal, pathways, and mechanisms. Water Research. (6). 117003.(中科院1区Top, Nature index)












1.第八届全国沉积物环境与污染控制研讨会,口头报告二等奖, 2020

2.The 6th International Conference on Nitrification and Ralated Process,Oral Poster Top3, 2019


学院地址:江苏省苏州市虎丘区学府路99号  联系电话:0512-68096045   E-mail:gsge@usts.edu.cn

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